RC+ Stat Stumper #2: Reds vs LHP

Welcome to RC+ Stat Stumper!

We’re taking a longtime ballpark tradition and give it a bit of a modern twist. The Scoreboard Stumper trivia question that takes place at every Reds home game is a great way to test your knowledge of baseball history and learn a little bit about the Reds as well. Every week, we will post a question about a newer statistic.

We invite you to post your guesses in the comments (no looking up the answers, please). The correct answers and winners will be revealed prior to first pitch that day. Enjoy and thanks for playing!

RC+ Stat Stumper #2:

The Reds are facing two left-handed starting pitchers this series against the Cubs. Since 2002, 19 Reds hitters have at least 400 plate appearances against LHP. Name the four who have a wRC+ of greater than 120.

Matt Habel

Matthew Habel was born and mostly raised in Cincinnati and was always a Reds fan growing up. Ironically, he did not become die-hard until moving to Pittsburgh after college and experiencing the 2013 Wild Card game behind enemy lines. While the "Cueto Game" is one of the worst sports moments of his life, he became enamored with the analytics side of the game after reading Big Data Baseball and watching the Pirates organization end their postseason drought. He started writing for Redleg Nation in 2017 and has enjoyed continuously learning more about the sport. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon where he loves exploring the great outdoors. Find him on Twitter @MattadorHeyBull

11 Responses

  1. Steve Mancuso says:

    Going all the way back to 2002? That has to mean one of them is Willie Taveras, right?

  2. Sean Donahue says:

    I would say Votto cause he’s just that good. I wouldn’t be surprised if Suarez and Frazier are there. Not sure about the fourth maybe Edwin? I also recall Stubbs being pretty good against lefties, but I don’t think he was quite good enough. I’d go with Votto, Suarez, Frazier, and Edwin.

  3. Matt Wilkes says:

    My guesses: Joey Votto, Eugenio Suárez, Jonny Gomes, and Todd Frazier.

    • Steve Mancuso says:

      Gomes is an interesting name that I hadn’t considered. Wondering if he had 400 PA against LHP. Probably did, but it’s giving me a little pause.

      • Matt Wilkes says:

        It’s probably close, but I think he got there. Gomes absolutely destroyed LHP. He’s definitely the answer I’m least confident in.

  4. Steve Mancuso says:

    Question of clarification: What if a player’s career started before 2002, but he played through 2002? For example, Barry Larkin. Are we only considering AB since 2002?

    • Matt Habel says:

      Only at-bats since 2002 are accounted for. Barry Larkin is not one of the 19 qualified hitters.

  5. Steve Mancuso says:

    I’ve given this a lot of thought. Suarez, Votto and Frazier are three I like for this. I don’t think the fourth is Brandon Phillips despite his platoon split. He didn’t walk enough and his down years at the end would weigh it down. So I’m not guessing him. I wonder if it might be Ryan Ludwick, except he didn’t get to 400 PA. I don’t think Jay Bruce, who was solid against lefties, would be at 120. It has to be a RH batter with a crazy split. I’m going along with Matt on Gomes as the fourth pick.

  6. R Smith says:

    Votto., Frazier, Suarez.

    The big Donkey defied all explanation.I ll take his power and OBP.

  7. Matt Habel says:

    Great guesses all around. The correct answer are:
    Suarez (140), Votto (139), Frazier (125), and Drew Stubbs (121). Sean almost had it!

    Other notables and fun with small samples sizes:

    Phil Ervin – 151 PA, 156 wRC+
    Jeff Keppinger – 234 PA, 141 wRC+ (8% BB%, 2% K% (!))
    Johnny Gomes – 373 PA, 139 wRC+ – Great guess Matt
    Edwin Encarnacion – 604 PA, 117 wRC+
    Adam Dunn – 1379 PA, 115 wRC+
    Brandon Phillips – 1837 PA, 109 wRC+

    • Steve Mancuso says:

      Great question. Stubbs was on my list. I thought his bad last year would doom his chances. Glad to see him the n the list. Always liked him. Met him once at Redsfest years ago. I was the volunteer working his autograph session. Quiet. Nice to the fans. Patient.